Thank you for the generous support of our Patrons sponsors.

  • Anonymous
  • Jean Beatty, Realtor (Mary Beth '14, Colleen '18, Monica '24, Emma '26)
  • Lucia and Jorge Percovich (Carolina '25)

  • Jaclyn and Tom Hanifen (Kathryn '27, Lauren '30)
  • Katherine Mineka and Justin Dillon (Jane '29)
  • Christie and Frank Keuchel
  • Kate and Gordon Todd (Aline '28)

  • Pamela Allen (Emerson '28, Hayden '29, Harper '31)
  • Anonymous
  • Abby and Michael Barvick (Edith '19, Franny '22, Irene '25, Lulu '28, Winnie '30)
  • Katie and Will Brennan (Olivia '29)
  • Sandra and Jan-Hein Cremers (Mary '27, Sophia '30)
  • Trisha and Tom Crishock (Elizabeth '20)
  • Maritere (Gramatges '91) and Richard Crum (Ellie '30)
  • Maureen and Mike Ferguson (Grace '18, Rose '21, Lucy '29)
  • Sarah and Tom Klump (Eva '31)
  • Jennifer McIntyre (Lizzie '28)
  • Gigi and Eric Noonan (Siobhan '28)
  • Lidiya Leshko and Paul Szerszen (Magdalena '30)
  • Jill and Jamie Thompson (Katiebelle '21, Seraphina '30)
  • Carmen and Carlos Trujillo (Isabella '30)


  • Elizabeth and Bill Bergin (Claire '30)
  • Luz and Matt Buonocore
  • Michele (Casey '99) and Rick Bueno
  • Therese and Bob Downey (Anna '29)
  • Julia and Richard McDonnell (Grace '22, Maddie '26)
  • Shushan and Michael Morrison (Olivia '29, Evelyn '29, Noelle '29)
  • Maria and Pablo Rabagliati (Feli '29)
  • Brenda and Barry Royden (Michelle '02, Suzanne '07)
  • Katharina Rothweiler and Enrique Gomez Serrano (Sofia '30)
  • Margaret and Jericho Seguin (Kathleen '29, Marguerite '30)
  • Yajaira and Robert Wilson (Isabela '19)


  • Maggie Musacchio
Finding Nemo, Jr.
Patrons of the Arts Reception
Friday, February 21, 5:30 pm
Patrons sponsorships are sold out!

Through sponsorship opportunities, the goal of the Patrons of the Arts event is to raise funds to benefit Oakcrest’s theatre program and make fun and inspiring productions like these possible. Sponsorships grant you priority seating on opening night, provide you an opportunity to share your business or contribute a "Shout Out" to cast and crew in the program, and enjoy a pre-show reception with fellow patrons in support of a great cause!

Thank you to our Patrons of the Arts!

1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182