Thank you to our Patrons of the Arts!

Through sponsorship opportunities, the goal of the Patrons of the Arts event is to raise funds to benefit Oakcrest’s theatre program and make fun and inspiring productions like these possible. Sponsorships grant you priority seating on opening night, provide you an opportunity to share your business or contribute a "Shout Out" to cast and crew in the program, and enjoy a pre-show reception with fellow patrons in support of a great cause!

Patrons of the Arts Receptions

Gold Level
Jean and Dan Beatty (Mary Beth '14, Colleen '18, Monica '24, and Emma '26)
Becca and Mariano Diaz-Bonilla (Angela '20, Elena '21, and Ana Marie '27)
Lucia and Jorge Percovich (Carolina '25)

Patron Level
Kathleen and Andrew Abela (Theresa '15 and Mary '27) 
Jaclyn and Tom Hanifen (Kathryn '27 and Lauren '30)
Rebeccah and Hanz Heinrichs (Charlotte '27) 
Christie and Frank Keuchel 
Monica and Chris Scheuerman (Madeline '26)

Benefactor Level 
Pamela Allen (Emerson '28, Hayden '29, Harper '31)
Abby and Mike Barvick (Edith '19, Franny '22, Irene '25, Lulu '28, and Winnie '30)
Irene Brosnahan (granddaughter Lizzie '28) 
Trisha and Tom Crishock (Eli '20)
Sandra and Al Johnson (Ana Sofia '25)
Patty and Henry Mazariegos 
Julia and Richard McDonnell (Grace '22 and Maddie '26)
Jennifer McIntyre (Lizzie '28)
Mary and Tracy Mehan (daughters Monica '04 and Elizabeth '06; granddaughters Charlotte '24, Maeve '28, Adele '22, Mary Cathleen '25, Monica '27, Mary '25, Bridget '29, Alice '28)
Germana and Gerry Mitchell (Julie (Mitchell '90) Newlands, Mary '11)
Maggie Mussachio
Julie (Baron) and Derek Nash (Mia '27)
Claudine and Michael O'Byrne (Lorali '25)
Kathy and Dan Smith (Maddie '17)
Amanda Stuhldreher (Rosemary '27)
Robin and Michael Yaghmour (Ashleigh '25, Amirah '27, and Alexa '31) 

Contributor Level
Luz and Matt Buonocore 
Lisa and John McNichols (Mae Mae '27)

Ellen (Royals '99) and Michael Connolly (Penny '27)
Maritere (Gramatges '91) and Richard Crum (Ellie '30)

View Past Patrons of the Arts Receptions

1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182