List Detail

Ellie '24

When senior Ellie B. considers what she loves most about Oakcrest, she says that it’s the friendships. “But not only the long-lasting friendships with the people surrounding me, but also my friendship with Jesus,” she explains. “He is so close and available to us every day, which makes it much easier to grow in friendship with Him.” 

Ellie started at Oakcrest in seventh grade. After seeing her sister attend the school and have a great experience, she knew she wanted to have the same opportunity. 

Some of her most memorable classes are those that she took with small groups of five to ten girls, cherishing the times she spent with her teachers and classmates diving deep into the course content but also enjoying time with one another. “Sophomore year our Algebra class was always the highlight of my day,” Ellie said, recalling the times she spent with former faculty member Ms. Danielle Schirippa and her classmates, laughing and learning. 

Outside enjoying learning in the classroom with good friends, Ellie enjoys all things sports related, playing tennis, basketball, and soccer at Oakcrest. “I also wouldn’t turn down a chance to play other sports during break or lunch, such as softball, frisbee, or Spikeball,” Ellie says, noting that she and her friends eat lunch outside every single day, no matter the weather. 

Ellie has served as a captain numerous times for various sports, saying “those roles have taught me to communicate well and fulfill my responsibilities.” 

One of Ellie’s favorite memories of Oakcrest is white water rafting with her eighth grade class. Getting to try something out of the ordinary and bond while having fun (even if some students fell out of the raft!) she says was a great way to grow closer to one another. 

Considering all that it means to be an Oakie, Ellie says that while they grasp virtues both inside and outside the classroom, she is confident that they will bring those same lessons with them beyond Oakcrest. 

Outside of Oakcrest, Ellie plays on a club soccer team and intensely follows the National Women’s Soccer league, in particular the Washington Spirit team. She even says she has enough Spirit shirts to last her a whole week and she can name the whole roster off the top of her head. “I love the players so much and they are such good role models for young girls,” Ellie says. 
1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182