Mia N '27 to attend Living Latin workshop in Rome, Italy

Mia N. ’27 is embarking on a unique summer adventure to Rome where she’ll be immersed in the Latin language, ancient texts, and the many historic Roman sites. 
Through the Living Latin in Rome High School Program sponsored by The Paideia Institute, Mia will be joined by 60 students for the first two weeks in July, experiencing Latin through classroom sessions, conversations, and programming throughout all of Rome and day trips to surrounding areas. 

“I can’t believe I get to spend two weeks in Rome, with other Latin nerds,” Mia said. “I am really looking forward to meeting others who love Latin as well.”

Ms. Laurie Duncan, Master Teacher of Foreign Languages, will be also attending the trip as one of the Paideia Institute faculty. 

Mia started learning Latin in the sixth grade and she said that it’s somewhat of a family tradition. Her grandfather was a Latin professor at The College of William and Mary, and both of her parents also learned Latin. 

“I can’t really explain why I love Latin so much,” Mia says. “I see it as solving a puzzle in a language and I really enjoy being able to read original texts such as The Aeneid as a primary source.” 

While she hasn’t quite had it planned out, Mia is excited to see where her love of Latin and languages takes her in the years to come. “I hope to take AP Latin as a junior and hopefully Ancient Greek as a senior,” she said, adding, “and who knows - maybe I’ll continue Latin into college.” 
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