Oakcrest is offering hot lunch every day. Vignola Gourmet will offer lunch service on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Chick-fil-A will offer lunch service on Thursdays. Please follow the instructions to register.  If you have any questions please contact Roger Porres at lunchservice@oakcrest.org.

Vignola Gourmet Lunch 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Lunch Service 

Orders can be placed through Vignola on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. 

Cost: $6.75 per lunch

Start by creating an account using the instructions below: 

To register:
  • Add your information and create a password through the Vignola Portal
  • You will be sent a verification email. Once verified, you will be directed to the home page. 
To add children: 
  • Click on the scroll down menu in the top left corner. 
  • Click "Children" then "Add Child" 
  • Enter the child's name and campus code "1619" and click "Verify Campus"
  • Select Grade and Classroom (default)
  • Click "Create" 
  • Please note there is a one-time $10 maintenance fee for each user through Vignola.
  • Meal suggestions?  Please contact vignolagourmet@gmail.com.


Thursday Lunch Service 

Orders can be placed once a quarter. The meal that is ordered will be the same meal received each Thursday during the quarter and cannot be changed until the new quarter ordering takes place. Once the school year begins, re-ordering will take place the week prior to each school quarter. 

Orders will be billed through each family's FACTS account or billed directly from the Business Office. 

Cost of meals (entree, side, and dessert) are as follows:
  • CFA Sandwich, Chips and Cookie - $11.83
  • CFA Sandwich, Fruit Cup and Cookie - $13.27
  • 8-count nugget, Chips and Cookie - $11.99
  • 8-count nugget, Fruit Cup and Cookie - $13.43
  • 8-count nugget, Side Salad and Cookie - $14.79
  • Grilled Wrap, Chips and Cookie- $16.03
  • Grilled Wrap, Fruit Cup and Cookie - $17.47
  • Grilled Chicken, Chips and Cookie- $13.78
  • Grilled Chicken, Chips, and Fruit Cup - $13.08
  • Grilled Chicken and Side Salad (Gluten Free) - $15.88
  • Grilled Chicken Sub, Chips and Fruit Cup (Gluten Free) - $16.43
Deadlines for Orders: 
  • Quarter 3: January 17, 2025 (9 lunches)
  • Quarter 4: March 21, 2025 (8 lunches) 
Please note that orders past the deadline cannot be accommodated. 
1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182