Dear Oakcrest Alumnae,
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Edith Barvick and I graduated from Oakcrest in 2019. Looking back on my time at Oakcrest I have many fond memories that made my experience so special. Cheering on my teammates on the swim team, coming up with a class cheer for field days, nervously awaiting for the show to start backstage, working on senior thesis with my friends, or simply hanging out in the Senior Loft all contributed to my love of Oakcrest. I am certain that each of you could add to this list in reflecting on your own time there.
My Oakcrest experience, like your own, was filled with joy and personal growth. Daily Mass and our theology classes helped my faith to blossom in a natural environment. By the time I graduated I was confident in my spiritual life with a strong faith foundation. Oakcrest challenged me academically and fully prepared me for my college experience. Oakcrest provided an environment that formed me intellectually while encouraging me to face challenges with a joyful outlook. Finally, I made incredible friendships at Oakcrest. I am still close with so many of my classmates and have been blessed to stay close to them through so many life changes, be it job promotions, weddings, or becoming new mothers.
I am excited to lead the charge as Captain of the Annual Fund this year so that we can ensure that current Oakies have a similarly fulfilling experience. When you support the Annual Fund it allows Oakcrest to invest thousands of additional dollars towards improving academic resources, supporting the music and arts programs, and providing resources that support our athletic teams. In addition, the Annual Fund is a critical source in support of tuition assistance and, thanks to your generosity, we can meet the financial needs of every Oakcrest family. Finally, tuition only covers about 87% of an Oakcrest education each year for all students, and unlike public or parochial schools, Oakcrest does not receive financial assistance from the government or diocese. Oakcrest counts on the success of our Annual Fund to ensure all of our Oakies thrive.
This year our target for the Annual Fund is to raise $500,000, with the alumnae goal being $30,000. Please consider joining me as we contribute to Oakcrest’s current and future success. You can be certain that your gift to the Annual Fund will help girls, their families, their teachers, their coaches – the people who will support and be there for them throughout their time at Oakcrest and beyond.

Edith Barvick ‘19
2024-25 Annual Fund Alumnae Captain
P.S. If your place of work offers matching grants, please consider requesting a grant for Oakcrest. It is a great way to double the impact of your gift.