School is coming to an end, and vacation is right around the corner. Are you seeking to grow in your understanding of how to be a better parent? Would you like some inspiration in how to better relate to your daughter? Could you use something a bit more substantial to read at the beach? Below is a list of books sure to sharpen your parenting skills.
Go Bravely: Becoming the Woman You Were Created to Be by Emily Wilson Hussem. This is great for high school/ college/ young professionals, but also great for moms raising daughters to think about these ideas as well
The Other Side of Beauty by Leah Darrow. Drawing on her experience on America’s Next Top Model and her work as a fashion model, Leah Darrow exposes the lies we are told about our worth being tied to our appearance and instead invites us to look again at the real meaning of beauty.
Raising a Strong Daughter in a Toxic Culture by Meg Meeker, M.D. A must read. Dr. Meeker has wisdom and gives superb advice. See the book review on our Oakcrest website.
Girls on the Edge by Dr. Leonard Sax. Dr. Sax gives data that you need to understand the challenges in the culture with hopeful advice on how to keep your daughter healthy.
Decisive Parenting- Forming Authentic Freedom in Your Children by Mike Moynihan. This is a small book packed with great wisdom for creating strong bonds with your children.
Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Sex by CanaVox. This is a short, practical guide for natural-law based discussions about sex with your children from ages 2-18.
The Theology of the Body by St. John Paul II. This is advanced reading for parents, a series of talks given by John Paul II in which he discusses the bodily dimension of human personhood, sexuality, and marriage in the light of biblical revelation.
Man, Woman, & the Mystery of Love by Edward Sri. This is a great concise distillation of JPII's Theology of the body... for parents to be able to articulate the why behind chastity and the Church’s teaching on chastity.
Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God by Scott Hahn. Building on scriptural and historical foundations, Hahn presents a new look at the Marian doctrines: Her Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, and Coronation. As he guides modern-day readers through passages filled with mysteries and poetry, Hahn helps them rediscover the ancient art and science of reading the Scriptures and gain a more profound understanding of their truthfulness and relevance to faith and the practice of religion in the contemporary world.
Covenanted Happiness. Love and Commitment in Marriage by Cormac Burke. Father Burke shows how marital happiness is rooted in the covenantal and committed nature Christian married love. A person’s happiness, far from being restricted by the marriage commitment, is endowed by it with depth, maturity and permanence. This book is a source of refreshment and encouragement for couples.
Another great way to grow in your relationship with your daughter is to select one or two books that are on your daughter's Oakcrest reading list for the coming school year. It delights the soul as a general rule to read good literature. There is an extra bonus when we read a fine book and then take time to discuss it with our daughter.
Terri Collins (Lucy ‘11, Helen ‘14, Audrey ‘16, Jill ‘17) serves as Oakcrest's Director of Parent Support. Mrs. Collins received a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies at the University of Maryland. She joined the Oakcrest faculty in 2007 and over the next 14 years, Mrs. Collins has taught science and theology, and served as the Director of Admissions. Mrs. Collins brings her knowledge, experience and love for Oakcrest to the role. She aims to provide excellent resources to our parents, such as the Family Enrichment program, and plentiful opportunities for parents to find friends among parents. Mrs. Collins is also the school liaison for the Oakcrest Parents Association (OPA).