In this one-week hands-on program, girls will explore STEM fields through activities that prioritize experimentation. Students are guaranteed to have fun in the open-ended STEM challenges ranging in the fields of biology, astronomy, geology, physics, chemistry and environmental science. 

This camp takes place on our 23-acre grounds as well as in our state-of-the-art science labs. The program will be taught by faculty members Dr. Kat Hussmann and Christina Friddle, who are the moderators of Oakcrest School's award-winning Science Olympiad team.
Participants should bring a large water bottle, snack, and lunch each day.

Program Directors: Dr. Kat Hussmann and Christina Friddle

Dates: June 16-20

Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Grades: Rising 1st-8th Grade

Location: Science Lab 151 and Room 150

Program Fee: $350
1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182